CISV Maine

CISV educates and inspires action for a more just and peaceful world.

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January Chapter Meeting & Summer 2022 programs!

January 10, 2022 @ 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm

January Chapter meeting
1/10/22 630-7pm (7-7:45 Board meeting)


All Welcome and encouraged to attend!

Also, please see info below–and please forward on to your contacts! We need both youth and adults to help fill and staff our summer programs!  

CISV (formerly Children’s International Summer Village) Maine is happy to announce the offering of the following Summer 2022 programs! Adults ages 21+, youth ages 11-18 are being sought to participate in exciting, educational and life changing  programming.  All with a focus on youth leadership, growth experiences and fun.  Most applications were due Jan. 5th, references due jan 10th (late applications ok, just let us know!). Click on links for more info or email

_______Below–please send along to your adult contacts–teachers, grad students, young adults may be especially interested!____________________________________

Interested in having an amazing summer 2022 experience, leading youth in global peace and leadership initiatives, traveling to Portugal or Norway for free? Or doing the same right here in Maine with youth around the country? Check out these unique, life changing and fun opportunities in Summer 2022. 

Opportunities are with CISV (formerly Children’s International Summer Village), which was founded by Doris Twitchell Allen (from Old Town, instructor at UMaine) in 1950.  She had a goal of creating more peace in the world, by having youth live together with others their same age, but from different cultures, religions, countries, etc. CISV’s mission is “to educate and inspire action for a more just and peaceful world.”

There are CISV Chapters in 28 US states and in over 70 countries around the world.  CISV Maine offers local, national and international youth and adult leadership and peace education programming.  Once connected with CISV Maine, you will have contacts with CISV opportunities around the entire world!

The CISV Maine Chapter is hosting a Youth Meeting, July 1-15th, 2022 with youth ages 12-13 from 5 different US states (or 5 different countries if covid settles down).  We are looking for a director and 2 staff to assist with the program–comprehensive training will be provided.  We are also looking for a leader, age 21+, for a Youth Meeting to Portugal and Step up program to Norway.  See info below.  Most applications are due Jan. 5th, references Jan 10th (yes, late applications will be accepted, just let us know!).  Click on links below for more info!  Or email questions or interest to:


January 10, 2022
6:30 pm - 7:00 pm

