- Call Old Town/Orono Y and choose selection date (ensure that Connie and Lee-Local leadership chairs can attend), request rental (free) of their 1st floor, sign rental contract.
- Coordinate with treasurer to write a check for $100 to the Y, to give as thanks and a donation to their annual drive--attach with thank you note.
- Recruit board members, CISV alumni/parents, past leader (if possible) , an outside "non-CISV" person (if possible) to be interviewers of participants and leaders
- Coordinate with our chapter event planners to host lunch
- Collaborate with Applications chair to ensure all interviewers have applications materials for the applicants they will be interviewing
- Organize materials for each interviewer--interview questions, evaluation forms, etc
- The selection committee makes final selections and gives its choices to the program chairs and to the adult board.
- In conjunction with the program chairs, contact all applicants to tell them whether they have been selected.Usually this is done via email, via an invitation/welcome letter, occasionally some phone contact is done. Keep a list of alternates in case additional program invitations are received.
- The Selection Chair/committee prepares a brief report at the completion of selection to outline changes or suggestions for the next year. Add to the binder & electronic file of selection materials to use for the following year.