This important group helps get the word out about CISV our local and travel programs--which is SO NEEDED.
Below are the tasks involved--divided up among several people-- it is fun and interesting to spread the word about CISV--people are always appreciative to learn about this great organization! Many of these can be done from home.
1. Prepare recruiting packets with information on all programs, including your name and contact information. Include the name and contact information for all program chairs as well. Make sure to include updated materials (print, video, etc.)
2. Distribute recruiting packets at school recruiting meetings and other recruiting opportunities. E-mail packets to all correct age candidates listed in the Chapter database, and others as identified.
3. Coordinate recruiting meetings at targeted schools. Identify families that are associated with the targeted schools and work with them in scheduling meetings. Schedule meetings by November 1. Prepare a list to present at your Chapter’s October board meeting of the targeted schools. Ask board members and others to identify additional target schools.
5. Contact all immediate past delegates’ parents and ask them to schedule a recruiting meeting in their schools prior to the December holiday break. Ask that they provide these dates to you by mid-November. Advise them that they will not have to run the meeting. The Chapter will provide a flyer to announce meetings and board members or others familiar with CISV to run the meeting. The parents’ role will be to schedule the meeting, encourage attendance, and bring along their child to answer questions, show pictures and trading items, etc.
6. Prepare a master calendar of the recruiting meetings to present to the Chapter board at the November meeting. Assign a board member or past member to attend each meeting.
7. Set up general recruiting information meetings at libraries, churches, or other facilities and publicize them to prospective applicants. Make sure that there are program chairs, past delegates, and knowledgeable families in attendance to speak about their experiences.
8. Organize recruiting packets as needed for distribution both in hard copy and electronically. Packets should include information sheets on the Village, Junior Counselor, Step Up, Interchange, Seminar Camp, and Youth Meeting programs for which your Chapter is recruiting this year. Include recruiting sheets for leaders in the Village, Step Up, and Interchange recruiting packets. The leader recruiting sheets should include selection dates and times, since leaders are expected to participate in selection.
9. Distribute recruiting information to all members via e-mail and the Chapter website.
10. Prepare a brief outline for the recruiting information meetings (welcome, CISV background and history, etc.), and a list of the materials needed at each meeting. Provide materials to the families and the board member attending each recruiting meeting. Instruct the board member to provide a sign-in sheet at each recruiting meeting to get the names and addresses of attendees.
11. Prepare a brief report at the completion of the recruiting meetings to outline changes or suggestions for the next chair. Prepare a notebook or electronic file of all materials to turn over to the next chair.
12. Attend the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion held in Fall or an online Chapter Development workshop