JB Elections: June 3-9th, 2023

ATTENTION all CISV Mainers ages 8-25!  Time to cast your vote for the CISV Maine Junior Branch Board for term 9/1/23-8/31/24 The JB Board plans fun and educational activities for local youth, meeting once or twice a month to plan. JB Board meetings are typically in-person, though we can connect members virtually when necessary!  Great…

September Chapter & Board Meeting

Please join us for our chapter and board meeting September 12th at 630pm!  The Junior Branch will be presenting about the upcoming CISV Fall Fest and other future activities. We will present goals for the year, identified at our great retreat we had today! Please come–for some or all of the meeting. Your input and…


January Chapter Meeting & Summer 2022 programs!

January Chapter meeting 1/10/22 630-7pm (7-7:45 Board meeting) Zoomlink:  https://emhs.zoom.us/j/7261559030 All Welcome and encouraged to attend! Also, please see info below--and please forward on to your contacts! We need both youth and adults to help fill and staff our summer programs!   CISV (formerly Children's International Summer Village) Maine is happy to announce the offering of…

Annual Chapter Meeting–All Encouraged to attend!

We hope to see you for our Annual chapter meeting, where we will discuss CISV plans for 2021-22, be voting in new board members, junior advisors and welcoming other volunteers! Junior board members encouraged to attend too! We will have breakout rooms for mini discussion about our 2021 CISV theme of Anti Discrimination and Diversity…

JB Online Game Night!!

ONLINE GAME NIGHT!!! When? Saturday 2/20/21 from 4-5 pm What? Online game night with the JB board. Bring friends and Family too! Code names, Chess, Jackbox and more! Don't worry if you don't know how to play, we will learn on the way.  Use Zoom link below.  No registration is necessary. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85285185976?pwd=QkJ4a3owcGloNDh1ZU15WTJOMWtIdz09…

Passport Camp

What is Passport Camp? Passport Camp is a fun program offered over three Sundays for children ages 5-10.  Children “travel” the world, exploring other countries and cultures through activities, games, art, stories, food, and guest speakers. They develop familiarity with other cultures and expand their horizons while experiencing CISV games and inclusive philosophy. We welcome…

December Junior Branch Holiday Activity!

Hello Everyone! Our December activity will take place December 13 from 4-5 PM and we hope everyone will be there to join us. Covid doesn't stop us from having our annual cookieathon, we will be decorating cookies online! Along with cookie decorating there will be snowflake design and the main event: creating our own holiday! The zoom information is…

National Junior Branch Meetings–12/5-12/19/20

Maine teens!!  Its time to participate in the National Junior Branch Meetings-NJBM--they are happening now until December 19th!  All youth, ages 13-18 are welcome to attend! They are offering several interesting online gatherings and activities with youth from all over the United States.  A great way to catch the awesome CISV energy that is stirring…

Chapter Meeting–all welcome!

Please come to the first chapter meeting of the season--we will be planning for the year ahead and want your input!  It will be via zoom.  Please register here and click this link to get into zoom meeting: https://emhs.zoom.us/j/7261559030  Meeting ID: 726 155 9030 Come for as long or as short as you can!

CISV Maine Brainstorm Event

Join us to gather and brainstorm for the year ahead! During these challenging times, we have an opportunity to strengthen our youth, our chapter and our whole community, as we put into action the CISV principles of diversity, sustainable development, conflict resolution and human rights. Your input, whether you are new or a long time…