What is Passport Camp?
Passport Camp is a fun program offered over three Sundays for children ages 5-10. Children “travel” the world, exploring other countries and cultures through activities, games, art, stories, food, and guest speakers. They develop familiarity with other cultures and expand their horizons while experiencing CISV games and inclusive philosophy.
We welcome you and your family to experience the wonderful mission of CISV to educate and inspire action for a more just and peaceful world. Please explore our website for more information about our programs, values, and how to get involved. maine.cisvusa.org
True to a CISV Village experience, members of CISV Maine’s Junior Branch volunteer for Passport Camp as Junior Counselors (JCs). These youth, age 15-21, are actively involved in the chapter’s local service programs and activities. Many have traveled with CISV summer programs and have met CISV participants from all over the world. JC’s share their own CISV experiences and lead the children in activities, and “energizers,” a favorite of all children!
Passport Camp is part of the CISV Maine Mosaic Program. Mosaic Programs bring CISV’s values of peace education and global friendship home to our local community. They provide a fun and safe environment for children to learn what it means to be a global citizen, living harmoniously with others by sharing resources and ideas.
Stay tuned for details about future Passport Camp programming.