Why renew or join CISV?
- Membership makes you eligible for participation in our local, national and international programs. It is connected with our insurance policy through CISV USA. Is Mini Camp, Passport camp, Village, Interchange, Step Up, Seminar Camp, chaperoning or a leadership position on the horizon for you or your child this year? Join now and have fewer things to attach to your application.
- Individual memberships are for adults only. For insurance and other purposes, a child cannot be the primary member on a membership; therefore, Family membership is necessary if children are to participate in the chapter.
- A membership to CISV helps to support all kinds of activities for young people, their families and the community. We do more than just send members to international camps. We have local activities to help build our chapter and support our local community.
- Membership keeps you up to date on what is happening in our chapter. As a member you will receive all of our mailings. Though if you prefer not, you can opt out!
- Membership helps pay our dues to the National Branch ($10 of the Individual and $25 of the Family membership fees go to National) and to supplement travel & fees for members that we must send to mandatory National meetings and training.
- Even if travel plans are not on the agenda for your family this year, we still need your membership! Program fees do not cover all of our expenses. We continue to count on the support of our past participants, friends, and current participants who are not travelling to keep this chapter strong. Your membership helps us to continue providing CISV opportunities to future generations.
- If you believe in Doris Allen’s mission for CISV, “to promote peaceful solutions to worldwide problems through cross-cultural relationships that nurture international understanding”, then renewing your membership will support CISV Maine’s commitment to these values in both our local activities and in strong travel programming–sending and hosting children to and from all over the world, for years to come.
Join us!
Below are our membership levels (if unable to pay, PLEASE email requesting a scholarship: donorrelationshipmanager@cisvusa.org We do not want finances to be a barrier to membership and participation in CISV):
$35 Individual Adult membership $75 Family membership $100 Active Citizen
$150 Global Citizen $250 + World Peace Supporter
**levels over $75 are family memberships in conjunction with an extra donation to CISV Maine’s program and scholarship funds. Your generosity is very appreciated!
There are 2 ways to join our chapter and pay/renew your membership dues:
1.For first time members, register on CISV Central , then choose membership-and then choose Maine chapter, choose membership level (see above) and then pay fee. If you are already registered on CISV Central and want to renew, log in to CISV Central and select from left side “Renew your Membership” and choose Maine as your chapter. If you dont remember your CISV central info, click forgot password and make a new one.
2. Pay by check. Simply mail your check, with a note saying MAINE membership with the names and birthdays of all people in the family to:
- CISV USA, c/o Erin Sheehan, 9200 Montgomery Rd, Main building, unit 2, Cincinnati, OH 45242
For Passport and Mini Camp Families– Family membership is required. You can renew or initiate membership in any of the ways above. See scholarship info above.
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