Latest Past Events

CISV Fall Fest!

Orono Village Green

Join our Junior Branch youth in celebrating Fall! Free, no registration required When: 10/23 1-230pm Who: All ages welcome! Where: Orono Village Green, next to Orono public library (rain location: Orono Senior Center) What: Pumpkin Carving, Apple Cider pressing, Food, CISV Energizers and More! Why: To have Fun, to meet CISVers, to learn about upcoming…

October Chapter & Board Meeting

Stodder hall UMaine

All welcome to attend our October 3rd Meeting! When: 630-7pm Chapter Meeting (with Board members) 7-8pm Board meeting Where: Stodder Hall, room 48, UMaine OR via zoom: Meeting ID: 726 155 9030 What: Planning events for the year, discussing Jen Tyne Scholarship fund, etc--we welcome your input Why: To keep alive in Maine CISV's mission "to educate and inspire…

Fall Retreat on Sept 11th a success!

We had a great retreat, with many in attendance, at the Rize Collaborative and coworking space in Bangor!  Thank you Rize, for having us use your space at a VERY discounted rate! For details about goals from the retreat and events planned with dates, goto: