Latest Past Events

CANCELLED–Community Cooking event for Homeless shelter

Orono Senior Center 10 Birch Street, Orono

Cancelled due to taking precautionary measures.  Stay tuned for future cooking dates!     Encouraging all ages to come and help prep and cook soup and baked goods using the produce we grew in the CISV Maine community garden last summer--to donate to the Bangor Homeless shelter. We have lots of produce in our freezer and…

Community Cooking Events

Orono Senior Center 10 Birch Street, Orono

Attention! CISV Community Cooking events Feb 9th and March 15th 4-6pm Orono Senior Center Looking for 2 parent volunteers on each date to oversee and help the youth who will be organizing and running the cooking events Please email if you can help out.  This is a great way to get in your volunteer hours for…

CISV Gardening–Last one of the season!

CISV Garden next to Senior Center 10 Birch Street, Orono

All hands on deck!  All are encouraged to harvest and process our final veggies of the season  AND to help put the garden to bed. Learn from master gardener John, have fun, and gather produce so we can ready for cooking for the homeless shelters over the winter.  Thank you for any time you can…