CISV Maine

CISV educates and inspires action for a more just and peaceful world.

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Spring Showcase, Potluck, Bon Voyage, Annual meeting & Junior Branch Activity!

May 21, 2023 @ 11:00 am - 2:30 pm

Join us to celebrate Spring, CISV and our Summer 2023 Travelling delegates!  All are welcome, no cost, come for part or all of the event!
When: Sunday May 21st  11am-230pm
Where: UMaine, Stodder Hall(Graduate School), conference room 57
Who: Families, Friends and the public are invited!
What: Learn about CISV chapter activities over the past year, meet our 2023 CISV delegates who will be representing Maine and the USA, in peace education programs all over the world this summer!  And then after a potluck lunch, adults will take part in annual meeting while youth will participate in a CISV activity.
Why: To support our youth and CISV in its mission “to educate and inspire action for a more just and peaceful world”
11am-1215pm–Spring Showcase–Brief overview of CISV, our activities over the past year, then brief presentations by our 2023 travelling delegates–Bon Voyage!
1215-115pm Potluck Lunch–bring something to share if you can
115-230 Junior Branch activity (youth ages 8-18)
130-230 Annual meeting (adults)
Directions: Stodder Hall-Graduate School–is directly across the street from the PHI ETA KAPPA fraternity house.  Directions from I-95; exiting Stillwater Ave, take a right onto Stillwater Ave, then right onto  College Avenue toward UMaine. You will pass the UMaine hockey arena on your left, and then the Steam plant on your right. Take the next left on to Sebec Road, then make an immediate right into the parking lot. You will see a small sign saying Graduate School. Look for the blue canopy over the entrance.


May 21, 2023
11:00 am - 2:30 pm
Website: ‎


UMaine, Stodder Hall, conference room
Orono, United States
+ Google Map