Selection Day is required for all applicants and leaders for summer programs–as part of the interview and selection process. It will be at the Old Town – Orono YMCA
Due to covid and safety protocols, we will not be eating together like we usually do–please eat lunch prior to your interview. Proof of vaccination and masks required. Please come for your identified interview time (20min) in morning, and stay for training and activities later.
- For safety reasons and contact tracing, please fill out this Covid form prior to the event.
Arrival Times:
11:30 am – All interview committee members arrive
12noon Step up / Junior Counselor/ Seminar/Fortnight/Leader interviews
115-215pm – Youth Meeting Interviews
115-200pm–Step up Chair meeting with Step Up parents
- Parents sign permission / media release forms/Parent volunteer commitment form
- Parent Orientation
1:15-2:15 – Leader Training (Including Leaders, Step Up, Fortnight, JC, Seminar)
2:15-4:15pm – All delegate, JC and Leader applicants–Activities with Val
2:15-3:00pm–YM Chair meets with YM parents
- Parents sign permission / media release forms/Parent volunteer commitment form
- Parent Orientation
4:15 – Applicant departure
4:15-5:00pm Committee members meet and clean up