About this Program
The first Seminar Camp was held in 1959.
This personally challenging, intensive program is coordinated by the young participants themselves. They develop their own agenda and explore global issues based on their backgrounds and interests, through activities and in-depth discussions.
Seminar Camps are for 30 international participants, with the supervision and assistance of international adult staff.
Joining a Seminar Camp puts you in the driving-seat, as with your fellow participants you plan and lead the program. Being part of Seminar Camp’s group-living environment encourages you to take a creative and cooperative approach to problem-solving and resolving differences that can arise from healthy discussion. Friendship and fun ensure that your Seminar Camp experience is lasting and positive.
With over 40 years experience of organizing camp-based program for children and teenagers, you can be assured of the highest level of supervision and safety for your child. Read about your child and CISV.
Seminar 2023 Application
Seminar applications go to the CISV USA National office. Unlike all of the other travel programs, the National office chose Seminar delegates, not the Maine Chapter.
To apply for a Seminar, click on this link for the Seminar application, it will bring you to the CISV Central website where you can download the application. CISV USA Seminar FAQ.
In order to be a candidate for selection, Seminar campers also need to commit to the local Maine chapter by:
1. Contacting and opening communication with the Applications Chairperson, Morgan Donovan Jones at morg.donojones@gmail.com
2. Getting an endorsement/reference from the Maine chapter–chapter president or other chapter member, as well as one other reference.
3. Submit $20 application fee and $75 CISV Family membership fee to Maine chapter here. Please note at the bottom section called “Donation Splits and other notes” , that you are paying the application fee and family membership for (Delegate’s name).
4. View the locations and rank all of the programs in order of preference. Select programs based on your gender. If you are non-binary, we encourage you to apply.
5. Email completed Seminar application plus references to CISV USA: cisvusa@cisvusa.org by Jan 1st.
5. PRICE is ESTIMATED to be $2000, not including airfare.