Calling all Adults and Youth!
Do you want to be part of CISV’s mission, “to educate and inspire action for a more just and peaceful world”? On 11/9/22, we will be selecting our summer 2023 programs to offer our Maine residents! In order to have options that meet your needs and preferences, we NEED YOUR INPUT! We are looking for adults ages 21+–as leaders–as well as youth of all ages. We encourage youth to get input from their parents/guardians, since guardian consent is needed for any travelling. We also encourage adults to fill this survey out if they may be interested in being a leader of a delegation.
Here is link to quick and easy Interest Survey, due Nov 7th
Each candidate needs to fill out a separate survey. CISV will have both National and International programs offered in summer 2023. We know there is a wide range of comfort levels in regards to travel and we want to take those different needs into account–so THANK YOU for giving us your input.