by Ana
“NJBM” is our National Junior Branch (“JB”) meeting, where JBers from chapters all over the US can meet each other, learn about how to better their Junior Branches, and also where our national Junior Branch committees and positions are voted on by LJRs. This year, NJBM was held in the Detroit, Michigan chapter. Four JBers from CISV Maine attended – Taylor (JB Advisor), Georgia (Local Junior Representative), Duncan and me (Co-Junior Local Junior Representatives).
There were activities and sessions about different learning styles and how to accommodate them in CISV activities, as well as different methods of communication that JBs can use. We had important conversations about issues within CISV and how we can work toward fixing them and being proactive. We also had the opportunity to visit the Henry Ford museum and see Norman Rockwell’s Four Freedoms paintings, and discuss how the Four Freedoms can be looked at from CISV’s perspective. NJBM is a really awesome way to meet fellow JBers, and gain new knowledge and skills to make a positive impact in our chapter.